Frequently Asked Questions
Why Choose Us?
When it comes to complying with Local, State, and Federal environmental regulations, you don't want the burden of wondering whether or not your construction activity is in compliance with environmental laws or ordinances. Today's fines for noncompliance are enough to put some developers and builders in financial hardships, even to the point of bankruptcy. With State fines of up to $10,000 per day and Federal fines of up to $25,000 per day and imprisonment for up to 2 years, it is easy to understand why it is important to maintain compliance with all applicable permits and regulations.
With State fines of up to $10,000 per day and Federal fines of up to $25,000 per day and imprisonment for up to 2 years, it is easy to understand why it is important to maintain compliance with all applicable permits and regulations.
We realize that there are countless issues that must be dealt with during the construction process. We will manage all of your site inspections and monthly reporting requirements. We partner and maintain communication with the engineers, architects, and contractors throughout the duration of the project. If there are any updates needed in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), we will immediately notify the owner and the plan preparer so that any necessary changes can be made.
With Carolina Storm Water Services, LLC on your team, you no longer have the worrisome task of inspecting every Best Management Practice (BMP), storm water discharge location, stockpile location, construction exit, etc. You will have the assurance of knowing that the job was done right by qualified professionals who have been certified by SC DHEC.
How Long Have We Been In Business?
We began providing compliance assistance services to developers and builders in January 2005.
What Types Of Projects Can We Handle?
We are equipped to handle all types of construction including residential subdivisions, industrial parks, retail and commercial developments, borrow pits, utility installations, and highway and school construction, just to name a few.
What Sets Our Staff Apart From Others?
All of our staff are either SC registered engineers and/or certified erosion control inspectors that have a strong background in construction and storm water management. We only employ individuals that are experienced in the NPDES storm water management and erosion control field.
Why Focus On Storm Water Compliance?
In 1999, the United States Environmental Protection Agency began implementing what has become known as Phase II of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) storm water regulations. Phase I of the NPDES regulations was implemented back in 1990. At that time, all land disturbing activities that disturbed 5 or more acres of land were required to be covered under an NPDES General Permit for Construction Activities. The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control has been delegated the NPDES permitting authority in South Carolina and has administered this program since 1992.
With the changes that were brought about under the Phase II regulations in March 2003, all land disturbing activities that disturb 1 or more acres now require coverage under the NPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharges From Construction Activities. In addition, all land disturbing activities greater than 1/2 acre that are located within ½ mile of a receiving water body in the eight coastal counties (Beaufort, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester, Georgetown, Horry, and Jasper counties) are also required to be covered under this general permit.
As you can see, the storm water requirements in South Carolina are quite complex. We are committed to keeping up with the latest changes in regulations so that our clients remain in full compliance with the conditions of their permits. When the requirements change, our clients can be assured that we will keep them informed of any changes that need to be made on the jobsite or in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. We are committed to compliance.